Mom invented a recipe for a healthy, delicious chocolate and is kind enough to share it!
This extremely bitter chocolate is very powerful. It’s great for when you need to wake up in the morning, need an energy boost when you’re doing sports or hiking up a mountain. It’s also very filling; I often have 2 pieces instead of breakfast in the morning.
The best news is, the ingredients in this dark chocolate have countless health benefits, including even preventing heart attack, brain damage, diabetes, blood clotting, reducing stress levels, supporting the proper functioning of your thyroid gland and a healthy metabolism.
Read more below.
Cocoa contains a large amount of antioxidants which is great for your heart, skin, blood pressure, and even for reducing your stress levels.
Health benefits of Cocoa & Coconut Oil:
Will Cocoa soon be used as a medicine?
Dark Chocolate’s Health Secrets
“Small amounts of dark chocolate can cut your risk of heart attack because, like aspirin, chocolate has a biochemical effect that reduces the clumping of platelets, which cause blood to clot” – Dr. Mercola
Could Chocolate help prevent Diabetes and Obesity?
Dark Chocolate Guards Against Brain Injury
Countless Coconut Oil Health Benefits
Mom’s Dark (very bitter) Chocolate Recipe:
(Notes: These quantities make a very large amount of chocolate!
You can also use only alkalized cocoa powder which will make less bitter chocoalte with a much more chocolate flavor but it won’t be as healthy as using some un-alkalized cocoa powder.)
- 2 pounds of organic non-alkalized cocoa powder
- ~ 25 ounces (OZ) of unsweetened alkalized cocoa powder
- ~ 10-16 OZ of pure ground white sesame seed Tahini. (Don’t get the brown/dark sesame. It has to be the light one).
- ~1 liter (35 fluid OZ) of 100% unrefined, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil. You’ll want to use a really fine oil that has a sweet coconut flavor, not one with a strong aftertaste or a burning kind of cooking oil.
- Water
- Honey (add as much as you need. The less the better.)
- Coconut flakes (make sure they aren’t from China and don’t have bad chemicals in them).
- In a large mixing bowl, start by pouring in the cocoa powder and then adding the coconut oil. Mix the Tahini well with a fork before adding it gradually into the mixture.
Don’t pour the entire Tahini in all at once, add a little bit at a time along with some water. Mix and taste. The Tahini adds a nice creamy consistency to the chocolate and a nice structure without it getting too greasy. You don’t want too much Tahini or it will taste of Tahini and not of nice chocolate. Also, don’t pour in too much liquid in one go. - Weave the mixture into a nice dough. The dough should be not too dry and not too greasy/ oily. If you need more liquid add water. Weave it until it’s a nice dough that you can make sculptures with. (I usually weave it for an hour). It’s fun and good exercise :D ‘
- Once you have are nice dough and are happy with the flavor, spread out coconut flakes on a clean surface.
- You can form the chocolate into any shape you want. I usually make long snakes. Roll it in the coconut and use a butter knife to cut into pieces. Dip all the sides in coconut. The coconut adds a nice flavor, absorbs excess moisture, and keeps the pieces from sticking together.
- Layer the chocolate pieces in an airtight plastic container or a glass container.
- Store in the fridge for 4 days before you taste it. (If you only used alkalized coco it will be less bitter with more of a chocolate flavor and fine for eating after a day in the fridge. The un-alkalized chocolate is much more bitter but it’s healthier and has more anti-oxidants.
You can store this chocolate in fridge /freezer for a long time without it going bad. if you made too much you can freeze some and when you defrost it even after many weeks it will taste like when you made it. You can also dip the chocolate in almond/cherry/coconut liquor or in honey if you need extra sweetness.
Enjoy!! :)